Little Miss Independent
Aug 09, 2022
Do you have a full-time job or business? Do you also run the house schedule? Are you the grease that keeps the cogs of your business and family life going around? I have news for you – sometimes you just need to let go of Little Miss Independent !!!
About six months ago my partner stopped me in my rushing aboutness and said “Sometimes you just need to let me look after you” and he was right – I was trying to be Little Miss Independent all the time – and that ladies, is just darned exhausting.
Yes I am resourceful, yes I am strong, yes I am intelligent and yes I am independent – and YES that could be my undoing. I can be so independent that I get really tired, nearly on the verge of mental collapse. So what do I do about it?…….
I’ve learned to recognise when I need to ask for help, I take time for myself and my creativity, and I fill up my soul's tank. I give others the gift of being able to help me, as I like to help them – now that feels good!
So today ask yourself “do I need someone to help me?”
I am a teacher, friend, supporter and cheerleader – I take my creative play seriously – it’s what keeps me energised to help ladies like you.
Angela x
PS message me if you need me at [email protected]
Or book a chat with me – I’d love to catch up.
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