Too busy to Paint?
Jul 14, 2023
I often hear from my clients that they are too busy to paint.
But by joining my live online classes they say they give themselves permission to create space to follow their passion.
My clients are super busy women who have full-on jobs, run their own businesses (often both), they have family and pets to look after, house, bills and chores to keep on top of. No wonder they feel like they can’t allow themselves time to do the things they would really love to do.
I know this feeling, and I have allowed it to get in my way at times too. I have a busy full-time role working for a local community organisation. I am Master Coach to about 90 coach trainees each year. I run my own business, and I mean I do everything from accounts, to marketing, social media etc. etc. I have 2 dogs and a rural property which keeps me super busy.
And in my spare time ……. I paint!
So when my clients say I have no time to paint, I know how they feel.
The problem is...
I also know that something is always going to get in the way. Something will steal your attention, there will always be things to be completed before you feel you deserve to play.
If you feel that making the time to paint is being selfish, or self-indulgent when the dishes need doing, the beds need making, bills need paying, work needs completing, dinner needs to be made - the list goes on.
Then I have a massive aha moment for you. The problem is … work or chores are never finished.
Painting is good for your wellbeing
What I know for sure is spending time painting is good for your well-being, both mental and physical. It makes everything in your life seem so much more achievable.
Painting reduces stress, anxiety and overwhelm – I’ve witnessed it first-hand during these crazy times. My creative rainbow, unicorn, fairy-loving artistic friends have adapted to lockdowns, changing work patterns and disruption so much better than my logical friends have.
I know for sure that taking time for your art is not being selfish. If it keeps calling to you then it is because it is a necessity your soul is calling out for. My clients tell me when they paint they are a happier and nicer person to be around, and their family and friends get a much better version of them.
I agree – when I don’t paint for a while I am a shittier version of myself, things get on top of me and I can be a one-woman pity party.
Calling B.S. on being too busy
So don’t tell me I have no time to paint, because that is B.S. If you can spend 30 mins scrolling on Instagram or Facebook, or binge-watching a series on Netflix then you have time to create.
It doesn’t need to be a masterpiece or anything meaningful. It certainly doesn’t need to be good – but it will make you feel good. And that is the whole point.
So prioritise your mental well-being using creativity and become a much nicer version of yourself to be around.
End of sermon!
Want to find time to discover your intuitive artist?
If you would love to make time for yourself, to prioritise not only your creativity but your own well-being - check out my live online experiences.
Image by permission of Victoria Borodinova
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